Saturday 22 May 2010

Prayer with the faith in future grace

Lord, whatever it takes to be free from pride;
Whatever it takes to be free from lust;
Whatever it takes to be free from greed;
From anxiety, from self-reliance;
Whatever it takes to be a loving, humble, kind husband and good father;
Whatever it takes, do it to me.
Financial difficulty?
Church strife?
I won't prescribe, I will just take the pill.
Do you want holiness? Do you want to be loving, humble, free, radical enough to pray
Lord if it take that kind of experience in order to bring me to this kind of self-abandonment, use your own wise, good physician wisdom.

Therefore faith is future oriented and embraces a future governed by God's grace and therefore superior to the future promised by sin.

-- John Piper from Battling Unbelief Session 3 Is it biblical part 1 --

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