Wednesday 10 February 2016

Calvin's Institutes. Book II, Chapter 14

This is the post #31 of the Calvin's Institutes summary series.

This chapter is still about the Christology, particularly on the two natures in one person. Calvin shows from Scripture that Christ is God and man at the same time, although the eternal Word always existed, even before the incarnation. Interestingly, he takes the biblical phrase, "son of man" as showing the humanity of Christ while the phrase, "Son of God" as showing His divinity. It is possible that Calvin may have overlooked the significance of the phrase "son of man" in Daniel and in the gospels as pointing to His divinity, but I could be wrong.
In the later sections, Nestorianism (divided person of Christ) and Eutychianism (mixed natures of Christ) are explicitly rejected. Calvin further shows how his contemporary Michael Servetus was grossly wrong in his teachings about Christ.

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