Saturday 27 February 2010

Comment spammers

I just spent about 15 minutes removing comments on this blog that were spams. And I did this kind of comment cleaning few times in this month alone.
From now on, you will have to do an image validation to post a comment on this blog. Hopefully it won't cause too much trouble for all of us. Oh, well, except for those spammers of course.


LJ said...

Recently I've been getting hit an inordinate amount on my blogspot blog as well. I see you've got the word verification thingy going. Is it not working?

Mr. Dickie said...

I just noticed that you are having trouble with unwanted comments. I don't see how the word verification would stop someone from posting junk if they are willing to do it manually.

But, I am going to learn how to turn it on. Thanks for that. I never thought about it.