Thursday 28 February 2008

James Fong Update - 28-Feb-2008

Latest from James Fong:
1. Jeremiah and Zoe getting along well.
[Jeremiah] has woken up every morning and rushed to the bassinet to give Zoe a little cuddle and kiss.

2. James soldiering on as a witness of Jesus
Today (Thursday Feb28th) I met up with the Centrelink job assessor at 830am, who was determining whether I would qualify for disability pension. She told me that she was a registered nurse and that she was sorry to read the bad news of my heart condition from the medical report written by my doctor. Like many other people, she assumed I would be despairing of life itself and was about to recommend that I get some more support. I told her that God had given me peace and that He is in control, even though things seem bleak. Praise God, I was given the opportunity to tell her that many friends from church and family have been praying for me and have been a great support to me. She was surprised that I already had a ready made network of relational support through this difficult time. I was reminded that this community support, indeed is one of the great blessings of a community of people knowing and loving Christ. At the end of the interview, the assessor indicated to me that she was a practising Catholic and affirmed to me that God is great and has the power to heal me. She also told me that she would be recommending that I get the disability pension and that I would find out in the next few days whether in fact I would be approved or not (through this end stage bureaucratic process). I was moved to ask her if I could pray for her, and she graciously accepted.

3. Priceless gift
I know I'm not supposed to mention specific people who have been generous with us, so that they can store up their treasures in heaven, however recently Janet and I were particularly, and deeply touched by a collective gift of $245 given by street people living in the Surry Hills area, passed on by a local chaplain. [...]They gave generously to us out of their poverty, [...]

James, you are just about the most authentic, encouraging, and challenging witness of our Lord Jesus Christ I've ever met!

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