Friday 10 August 2007

Being counted worthy to suffer for Jesus.

A couple of days ago, I read about some military officers getting accused of taking part in Gospel work. I believe that there are almost always better ways to do things, even evangelism. I also think that the officers might have handled the situation a little bit unwisely given the circumstances.

However, I wonder if it is that much of misconduct as the accusing party of the incident claims. Ok, I admit, it is possible that the officers have crossed the boundaries permitted by regulations and law, and if they have, it is understandable that they are accused based on the relevant laws. But I can't shake off the feeling that if I was in the similar situation, that is, given an opportunity to promote the Gospel, if I was given a opportunity to say publicly that I am on God's side and He is on mine, even if it may be so close to a legal boundary that I am not sure if I am crossing it, how could I resist it, how dare I decline it? Even if I knew perfectly well that I was about to cross the legal boundary, that couldn’t have meant that I must’ve kept quiet! We, as Christians, operate on God-given freedom, under God’s rule.

To be honest, I am not entirely sure if I could actually jump at the opportunity and show everyone Whom I really work for and risk my career (and what not). I am too chicken for that most of the time. I probably would so easily rationalise the situation and think it is not good to do so if you look at the big picture. I do that all the time. But at that moment, am I acting upon God-given conviction and conscience, or am I reacting to worldly intimidation with my corrupt and timid mind which compromises so subtly? In fact, I would have to ask this question to myself whether I choose the way the officers seemed to have chosen or some other more subtle ways.

Back to the officers’ case, with such limited details of what exactly happened, and my lack of expertise in the area of politics and law, I would rather commend those officers as my brothers in Christ. I am not sure if they knew to full extent what they were doing when they appeared on the promotional film, and even now as they go through these troubles, some may be discouraged and disheartened by what they are experiencing. But, one thing I am sure of is this. If they are Christians, if they are indeed God’s elect, they will be singing and praising God about all the troubles they are going through now and count them as honour. Even if they can’t do so right now, they will be sometime before and as they enter through the gates of Heaven. That is the way of the disciples of Jesus.

Then [disciples of Jesus] left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name [of Jesus]. - Acts 5:41 (ESV)

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