Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Reading 2009: an update

It's the middle of March now.
Just reporting my progress so far...
From the 26 books on the list, I have finished reading 9 books, they are:

According to Plan by Graeme Goldsworthy
Knowing God by J. I. Packer
Seeing and Savouring Jesus Christ by John Piper
The Doctrines of Grace by James Boice and Philip Ryken
True Blue? by Peter Goldsworthy
Everything you want to know about Jesus by Peter Downey and Ben Shaw
가난한 자는 복이 있나니
애통하는 자는 복이 있나니
It might sound like I read so many books, but most of these are thin or easy-to-read books. And of those harder books, like Knowing God, I had been reading it for a long time beforehand.

I read a few books that were not on my initial reading list, though. They are:
The Disease of the Health and Wealth Gospels by Gordon Fee
Humility by C. J. Mahaney
Prayer and the voice of God by Phillip Jensen and Tony Payne

I will sometimes write a book review about the book I read, sometimes not. Whether I write a review or not isn't an indication of how good the book was, it's rather how much impact it made to me.

Anyway, I think this list has been helpful. If you have books stacked up at home, and yet, haven't been able to read them, why don't you create a reading list as well? It will help your motivation.


Dave Miers said...

really encouraged by your reading this year. keep it up!

Timothy Wonil Lee said...

Hey, Dave,

I'm encouraged by your blog posts!
And, I like your photos. I wanna learn how to take better shots with my camera. :-)

How's study going? 2nd year at Moore, eh? I'm finding my intro level OT subject at the SMBC very interesting and helpful so far.

Dave Miers said...

thanks man.

study is going well.
harder this year... but good stuff.
greek = very hard!
